Policies & Procedures

At Above The Bar Gymnastics Academy, our business is developing fitness, confidence, and self-esteem of children through gymnastics sports to be the best they can be in whatever they pursue...to be champions in life!
2025 Policies & Procedures
- All athletes must have a completed Registration Form on file with the front desk prior to participation in any Above the Bar Gymnastics Academy activity.
- Registration Fee of $35 per student is assessed annually in August for the year through the following August.
- Registration is not pro-rated for students enrolling mid-year.
Tuition Payment
- Credit card auto pay is required. Payments are processed on the 1st of each month.
- If you decline auto pay, 2 months tuition (1st and last month) is due upon enrollment. Thereafter, tuition is due on the 1st of each month. If an account is not on auto pay, a $15 late fee will be assessed for tuition paid after the 5th of each month.
- Tuition for After-School FLIP Academy is due at the beginning of each month but may be split into 2 payments per month (1st & 15th), upon request.
- Tuition for Summer Camp is due by the start of the first day of each week’s camp (may be paid at drop-off.) Campers with unpaid balances will not be allowed to attend camp.
- Parents are responsible for monthly tuition until we are notified in writing that the student is withdrawing, regardless of attendance. See Class Withdrawal policy below.
- There will be a $15.00 fee on all returned checks and credit card declines, including auto pay.
- The first month tuition will be pro-rated based on the start date.
- Tuition is based on a 48-week schedule. Above the Bar Gymnastics Academy is closed for the following holidays in the 2025 year.
• Spring Break 3/17 through 3/22
• Memorial Day 5/26
• Independence Day 7/4 – 7/5 (Friday – Saturday)
• Labor Day 9/1 (Monday)
• Thanksgiving Week 11/24 through 11/28
• Christmas Week 12/22 through 12/27
• New Years’ Week 12/29 through 1/3
Class Withdrawal
- Class enrollment is month-to-month on a YEAR-ROUND basis (including summer) so your child is automatically enrolled each month until you provide written notice of withdrawal.
- Class withdrawal notice must be provided in writing by the 10th day of the last month of class. Last month’s tuition is not prorated. Request withdrawal form at the front desk or send e-mail to GymFormation@AboveTheBarGym.com.
- If tuition becomes 4 weeks behind, your child will be dropped from class and/or after school program and not allowed to attend until the balance is paid.
Class Absences
- Above the Bar Gymnastics Academy does not pro-rate tuition for absences.
- For recreational gymnastics and tumbling classes, up to 2 make-up classes may be scheduled per month. No refunds for missed classes.
- No make-up classes for Team athletes.
- Make-up classes must be scheduled in advance – no walk-in makeups will be allowed.
- Make-up classes should be completed within 30-days of the absence.
Gym Rules
For the SAFETY of our athletes and coaches, please respect our GYM RULES.
For Parents
- Only athletes, coaches and staff are allowed on the gym floor during class times.
- DO NOT communicate with athletes during class. It is unsafe to distract them. If you need to talk to your athlete during class, let the front desk staff know and we will bring your athlete to you.
- DO NOT coach your athlete. Let the coaches do the coaching.
- NO flash photography during classes. Bright flashes endanger the athletes by distracting them or temporarily blinding them.
- Be considerate of other spectators, coaches and athletes when talking or moving about.
- Take active children to our lobby area for their safety and comfort. At no time can children be allowed to run onto the gym floor.
- No unattended children in the upstairs observation area. Parents are responsible for their children in the gym when they are not in class.
- Help us keep the gym clean and comfortable. Dispose of trash and notify us of any spills immediately.
- If you need immediate assistance or have a concern, please contact the from desk staff.
- If you need to speak to a coach, please schedule a conference with the front desk staff. Please do not interrupt them during or between classes.
- Please dress your child appropriately for classes – athletic shorts and t-shirts or leotards. No denim shorts or clothing with rivets, zippers, or other things that can catch on equipment or mats. No jewelry, including rings or earrings in the gym – we cannot be responsible for any lost jewelry. Children need to wear their hair pulled up away from your eyes and face for all classes.
Please review the following gym rules with your athlete(s):
For Athletes
- Coaches are in charge on the gym floor. Listen and follow their instructions.
- DO NOT talk to parents, spectators, or friends on the gym floor.
- NO food, chewing gum, or drinks allowed on the gym floor.
- NO running, except when directed by a coach.
- Wear appropriate athletic clothing – leotards or athletic shorts & shirt.
- Remove jewelry and decorative hair accessories before entering the gym floor.
- Fasten hair away from your eyes and face.
- Clean feet and hands before entering the gym floor.
- Tell a coach when you are hurt.